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2016 (1) 2013 (1)
Andy Mellor

Andy Mellor

Product Manager at The Logic Group
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Bio Andy Mellor is Product Manager for secure omnichannel payment solutions at The Logic Group, ensuring that whenever and however customers want to pay, it is always secure, always convenient and always rewarding. Career History Andy has gained over 20 years experience in product management, professional services and software development, across a range of industry sectors including financial services, telecommunications and retail. He provides specific expertise in the areas of financial control and business process manag



It’s Time for Retailers to Learn About General Data Protection Regulation

14 Apr 2016

The explosion of data, brought about by ever sophisticated and pervasive technologies, has led to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will be the most comprehensive shake up of data protection laws in 20 years. The GDPR aims to update the existing data protection framework across EU markets to reflect today’s digital environmen...


Intercompany Recon - The last bastion of manual processes

11 Jan 2013

Now more than ever, robust internal financial controls are a top priority for a financial industry that is fighting to regain the trust of its shareholders. Automation is a sure-fire way to ensure that control can be managed whilst also offering the benefits of saving time and minimising manual errors. Although it’s commonplace for processes such ...